Talent Management

Talent Management

It has become widespread idea to think of the hiring process as a talent pipeline where importance is given to assuring a consistent flow of candidates.(not candidates but talent pool of candidates) Effectiveness and efficiency of the talent management is mainly relying on availability of pool of prospective talent pool. Therefore to attract candidates to an new position in the company and manage or fill that position with least is the objective.
Talent pipeline is an approach that can deliver an improved recruitment process. Creating a talent pipeline strategy takes time and needs careful planning but when company get it right, it can shorten the time it takes to make a hire (in other words, time-to-fill) and enhance company’s chances of finding the best people. Once organisation established its strategy, it can implement talent pipeline metrics to grow its program. (Workable, 2017)
As mentioned in the above an effective talent pipeline management program relies on a well-stocked talent pool. For an instance company may have a database of talented candidates who likely needed to hire in the future as well as fully detailed information about current positions to make them contribute to the succession planning of the company.
On the other hand, to increase output and quality of work by using the engagement, empowerment, knowledge etc of the current talent pool, companies can emphasis on high performance work systems(HPWS). According to Bohlander et al (2004) as HPWS is “a specific combination of HR practices, work structures, and processes that maximizes employee knowledge, skill, commitment and flexibility” (Bohlander & Snell, 2004, p. 690). by having such a system in the organisation, it will increase performance and and engagement of employees, lead to motivation and job satisfaction.
The difficult criteria to handle in 4M’s, is Men (human). Achievement of organizational goals can be assessed on how efficiently management manage the human resource. Managing the talent within the organization and keeping people on track will be the key to the success.
Practical scenario at MAS-Linea Clothing
In the concept of TLGL, a new team member’s journey is visualized by the project “500 days”. In that our ambition is to make a team member to a Group Leader within 500 days. For that company policies are set.
We have produced around 8 GL’s throughout our journey as results. They offered with a good remuneration and recognition. For Linea Clothing TLGL helps to manage the talent at plant level.

Ø  People and Originations: Principles and Practice in Global Contexts, Strategic Employee Resourcing and Talent Management
Ø  Key Differences (2017) Difference Between Personnel Management and Human Resource Management. Available at http://keydifferences.com/difference-between-personnel-management-and-human-resource-management.html (Accessed: 27 November 2017).


TLGL – Team Leader and Group Leader


  1. Some corrections and improvements not the comments in the brackets and first para should change as given below.

    It has become widespread idea to think of the hiring process as a talent pipeline where importance is given to assuring a consistent flow of candidates.(not candidates but talent pool of candidates) Effectiveness and efficiency of the talent management is mainly relying on availability of pool of prospective talent pool. Therefore to attract candidates to an new position in the company and manage or fill that position with least is the objective.

    (Last paragraph before conclusion change) by having such a system in the organisation, it will increase performance and and engagement of employees, lead to motivation and job satisfaction.

  2. Good that you have related the topic to your organisation. It is much better if you could explain bit more for readers to understand the context.

  3. A very good article. Nicely gathered some related literatures to describe the topic.

  4. Excellent overview of talent management supplemented by real life examples from the author's own organization.


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